Thursday, March 17, 2022

The worse part of seeing a new doctor is the paperwork. When you reach the Desk, you're instantly handed a 3-4 page questionnaire, clipped to billboard with a pen. It's a 10 -15 minute ordeal, you'll wish you had studied for. That's the advantage dogs have, all their information, health, age, medical records, he's Zodiac sign, it's all there, in the dog's scent he leaves behind. Just supply the cup, Fido will supply the rest. "If you wanna know, all about this dog, it's in his piss, not in his kiss, it's in his piss!







Thursday, March 10, 2022

Justine, now in her late thirties, was getting pretty frustrated with her 'love life,' or 'lack of.' Men her age were more interested in 'booty calls' than any serious long term relationship. So when one of her coworkers, an older, more mature man, asked Justine out, she went for it, 'hook, line & sinker!'