Thursday, September 24, 2020

When one grows up in an Italian family, with a grandma that cooked 'all day long', one grows up & 'out' fast! Mom was forced to buy our back to school clothes at Lane Bryants, for the plus-sized.  Lane Bryant had cute fashions, and the store had its own sizing charts. Size 14 would be marked '8 in pleasantly plump.'A  girl my elementary school, who was standing behind me in line, spotted my size 8 label sticking out of my jumper. Suddenly she yells, "Size 8, no way!" I still remember that loud, stupid, skinny stick!





Thursday, September 17, 2020

Who  doesn't have a workplace story or two they often share? At the huge Safeway at 2020 Market @ Duboce triangle, there are cameras everywhere for a reason. Every night is a Full Moon inside that store. One clerk working late, felt a splatter against her legs. She turned to find some drunk relieving himself, into her check stand, full stream! Then he stumbled out the doors. The shocked checker called for a service 40, a clean-up, on check stand 8. Who doesn't have a workplace fish tale to tell?