Thursday, June 22, 2023

Because the Church told us, only the' baptized Catholics,' went to Heaven, I thought 'everyone' living on the Universe's was Catholic!' Made sense to me, until the day I heard this joke ...'St. Peter was showing the new comers around Heaven, until they came upon this huge cloud. The saint told everyone to be perfectly quiet while passing this spot. When they all past, a lady asked, "Is that where HE lives? " "Oh no," St. Peter replied, "thats just the Catholics, they think, they're the only ones up here!"







Thursday, June 1, 2023

 The majority of my 'Viewers', know my first published pieces were 'cat cartoons.' Cause, at the time, we had cats, lots & lots of meows around the house! Literally, one litter after another! I tried to fix Sheba, but because she was nursing her first litter, the Pet Hospital, wouldn't do it. By the time, Sheba was through nursing, she was pregnant once again! We had to threaten' the Pet Hospital, if Sheba wasn't fixed, the THIRD litter was theirs! Sheba got fixed...