Thursday, December 29, 2022

The following Mixed Nut was inspired by my niece's first fish,' Glowie.' HE's a fresh water Beta Fish, his Boxing Ring title, is Siamese Fighter Fish. First time I introduced myself to the Jackie Chan of the sea,I was staring , into Glowie's Man Tank, face up against the glass. , trying to spot him. Then, out of nowhere, he appears, right in my face, floating there, eye to 'bug' eye. Glow's  guills  were puffed out, and he held this MEAN gaze at me, that said, "'Who in the Tuna-Ta-Ta are YOU!"No need for a dangerous Guard Dog, when Glowie's in House . And, fish don't need any stinky ByByes...







Thursday, December 22, 2022

 By the time this Mixed Nuts airs, there will be just 4 dazes left of this most time consuming holiday, I can't wait! Like most fun holidays, they're made for kids. They enjoy them the MOST! And why not, the child does nothing but wait for the gifts to come rolling in. A kid's only task , is finding the right Mall Santa. He can't be Old & Deaf, or ghetto looking . The Santa must be  wealthy enough, to afford their entire list, which some kids made copies for the Fat Man to keep. Pretty sure World Peace won't make that list...