Thursday, February 24, 2022

After 25 years of marriage, Jeff & Jackie were getting divorced. 'To love and to cherish, from this day forward, till death do we part,' Jackie took those vows seriously, her soon-to-be ex, did not. Jeff, now 55, was turning into a male cougar. He joined a 24-HR gym, started dying the gray out  of his hair, 'no play for Mr Gray,' they say, and, the biggie, Jeff was leaving his cell under his pillow at night! After the Detective she hired , told her Jeff was involved with three side chicks, Jackie retained a Divorce lawyer that same day.






Thursday, February 17, 2022

 The young teens, Nicole & Lauren, have been childhood buddies since the cradle. Born, not only within' weeks of each other, the pair actually started their lives on the same block!Connected like a pair of Raggedy Andy & Ann dolls, the ladies ended up going to the same schools as well. From Elementary to High School, their bond only got stronger. The BBFs, were becoming 'sisters.' And, like 'blood,' there was never a secret kept from one another ...