Have you ever gone an entire day without sunshine? Here in the Bay Area, that's what we're experiencing. The entire sun has been blocked out by the numerous fires burning, from Washington's & Oregon's Wildfires, and from Bay Area fires burning for over a week now. Wildfires, Power outages and COVID19, this sure ain't the California the Beach Boys used to sing about. What can a normal person do the deal with such stressful times?
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Joe & Lola were known as the 'crazy, down-to-Earth', married couple who lived just around the corner. The pair were actually bankers at the local Branch. Joe was the Branch manager and Lola, his wife, was the bank's loan officer. The two weren't your typical bankers, each day, the duo ,rode their motorcycles to work, both nicely dressed as Bankers. Rumors have it , Lola's last job was a stripper, at the 'Rain Man Club', just down the street...

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