Thursday, May 18, 2023

 I took a class in Child Psychology, for the extra credits.  It was pretty interesting thinking inside a kid's head as they grew up. But the one thing that stood out to me, was the teacher stressing, how important it was to 'always' answer your child's every question, no matter how often they ask. After all, the World's a new place to them, they'll have questions. If you do, when they grow up, you'll be the one they'll come to when there's a problem. Why? Cause Mom always has  the answer!








Thursday, May 11, 2023

 To be honest, I had a few girlfriends who were messing with a 'married man'. Some of the ladies, knew from the 'git', and the rest, 'claimed', that had no clue the cheating dude was married. Believe it or don't, GOD even created a commandment, about this subject. Here's number seven, on our Father's HIT LIST: Thou shall not commit Adultery. Can't get any plainer than that!  Amen