Thursday, July 1, 2021

 For just a quarter a pop, the 'Magic Fingers' Relaxation Service, delivers 15 minutes of tingly,  relaxing, massaging vibrations atop of any bed. In the 60s & 70s, these devices were installed in over a million homes & hotels.' Magic Fingers' in every room,' motel marquees read. Sadly, thieves were breaking up the devices just to get to the quarters! Guess only 'little green men were cashing in on those 'catalytic converters' back then?





Thursday, June 24, 2021

 Life in Paradise wasn't as perfect as the Bible would have us believe. For one, Adam & Eve's sex life sucked! Sex for the pair didn't exist. GOD's creation, had no clue about lovemaking, or any desire to learn. Adam avoids Eve like the plague. Instead, Adam spends his time playing with the animals and fishing in many of the crystal clear lakes throughout Eden's massive garden. The Serpent, who also lives and crawls in Eden, senses Eve's frustration, and decides to strike while the maiden is 'hot to trot.'