Have you ever gone an entire day without sunshine? Here in the Bay Area, that's what we're experiencing. The entire sun has been blocked out by the numerous fires burning, from Washington's & Oregon's Wildfires, and from Bay Area fires burning for over a week now. Wildfires, Power outages and COVID19, this sure ain't the California the Beach Boys used to sing about. What can a normal person do the deal with such stressful times?
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Those who cheat during a relationship, have numerous reason why they stray. The offending partner complains, they weren't getting enough, enough time, enough attention, enough SEX. The ugly truth is, 'you're not enough.' Two TOP signs your mate is stepping out ...
1. They are constantly accusing YOU of cheating.
2. Suddenly your lover is carrying their phone everywhere, into the shower, under the bed sheets when they're asleep! You MUST get that phone!
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Unfortunately, 'senior moments' are a real thing & occur a lot as one ages. Running into an old friend and forgetting their name, only to remember it, 'days' later, is an example of SM. Or misplacing items around the house, like car keys, or the TV remote. Or walking into another room to get something, only to forget what the it was when you got there! Yep, I know you hear me, now try & guess , from this intro, what this new Mixed Nuts is about, cause I forgot!

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