Thursday, April 21, 2022

 'The Ark shall be made of cypress wood,' my Lord commands of me. 'It's length , 450 ft., its breadth of it, 75 ft, and its height, 45 ft. to cover the 3 floors,' Noah yells out to the crowd that have gathered see the ship. Noah resides in the Land of Mesopotamia with his family, where most there, worshipped many gods. Noah neighbors thought the ship builder was a crazy old man. "why would you waste the time & effort to build such a boat?," one yelled out from the gathering, 'Why!"







Thursday, April 14, 2022

 'Does a bear poop in the woods?' It's a rhetorical question not expecting to be answered by even the bear. But, a 'philosophical dilemma,' is a question that has two possible answers, often leading into a debate.The following is a perfect example of a philosophical dilemma, so perfect, Romper Room's Miss Nancy would be impressed, or disgusted, you can decide ...