Have you ever gone an entire day without sunshine? Here in the Bay Area, that's what we're experiencing. The entire sun has been blocked out by the numerous fires burning, from Washington's & Oregon's Wildfires, and from Bay Area fires burning for over a week now. Wildfires, Power outages and COVID19, this sure ain't the California the Beach Boys used to sing about. What can a normal person do the deal with such stressful times?
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Blame it on the flooded drain pipe that started the rain to come down, in my studio! Even with a life jacket, it was STILL scary working in that room, like sailing on the doomed ship, Titanic! And there's even MORE rain headed our way, a series of storms, are flowing our way. Weathermen are saying storms starting, this FRIDAY thru, Sunday! Great MERMAID weather, but not for us mere, fin less humans. Somebody wanna hand me a towel!
Thursday, January 11, 2024
The past month and a half, has been a living HELL for me!Whatever could go wrong, did, I swear, Daily! Whoever the chicken, killing ,evil eyed, Gypsy out there, who's apparently created a VooDoo doll, in my image, "Knock it off , Broom Hilda!" It's times like this, I WISHED I did drink. My printer just screwed. up, right before I blogged! , 'I rest my case!'
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Picture, a wee tiny, teacup chihuahua in your mind, yeah, it's a yapper. Got the image? Thats the size I think my small bladder actually is! And, about as active as a high strung pup as well. Trust me, I know, Men have it so much easier than women when comes to finding places to pee at, when one's out. For a male, it's as easy as, ' ducking in an alley, face the wall, unzip, and, 'wiz!' That's it! How come GOD, never gave us ladies, that handy attachment...that would have my life easier... Amen
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