Have your credit card compromised yet? Or your car stolen, or broken into, for valuables you forgot to bring in? Getting real weary on going to the ATM anymore, ever since your neighbor got mugged at her bank's ATM, in 'broad daylight'! Then, you're probably living in the broken Golden State, California. Where the bad guys seem to outnumber the good guys most dazes here. Cali is the Wild Wild West, where the only ones who survive here, are the Good, the Bad, and the really Hairy!
Have you ever gone an entire day without sunshine? Here in the Bay Area, that's what we're experiencing. The entire sun has been blocked out by the numerous fires burning, from Washington's & Oregon's Wildfires, and from Bay Area fires burning for over a week now. Wildfires, Power outages and COVID19, this sure ain't the California the Beach Boys used to sing about. What can a normal person do the deal with such stressful times?
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Well it's here, the holidays of 'family sit down dinners'. And tonight, you are probably sitting down to that meal, no one likes cooking, but everyone enjoys eating, and eating and eating! With take home leftovers, that lasts for days! Yep, tonight you're pigging out on that home cooked , Thanksgiving dinner with a side serving of this this week's Mixed Nuts. Unbuckle that belt and ENJOY!
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Joe & Lola were known as the 'crazy, down-to-Earth', married couple who lived just around the corner. The pair were actually bankers at the local Branch. Joe was the Branch manager and Lola, his wife, was the bank's loan officer. The two weren't your typical bankers, each day, the duo ,rode their motorcycles to work, both nicely dressed as Bankers. Rumors have it , Lola's last job was a stripper, at the 'Rain Man Club', just down the street...
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Tell me, who in their right mind, could pass up a dinner invitation, out with friends, THEIR TREAT! NO, NOT AT Mickey Dee's, OR HAVING IT, your way, at BURGER king ,I'm talking a restaurant, that hands your dinner party a menu, seconds after you're seated. The maitre-d, than suggests a cocktail while you decide, no hurry... No drive-through windows for miles.
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Halloween has FINALLY past, and one can now, hear the faint 'Ho Ho Hoes,' in the distant ,coming our way. Ready to replace the empty spot Halloween left behind, here comes Christmas 2023. Children throughout California, are kneeling down on their chubby knees, praying their Xmas lists to Santa this year, arrive safely to the North Pole BEFORE any of those 'Smash & Grab', low life in Hoodies, rob another mail box in the neighborhood again...
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